List of variables and how to use them:

 The list of variables in the table below are placeholders for values, automatically filled by the value of the system clock. The exception is the variable $COMPORT that represents the COM port for which the logging is done. All variables can be used as a part of file name and/or file path.

replaced by the day of the year as a decimal number
replaced by the day of the year as a decimal number (001 - 366)
replaced by the month as a decimal number
replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number (01 - 31)
replaced by the full weekday name
replaced by the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number
replaced by the AM/PM designations associated with a 12-hour clock
replaced by the minute as a decimal number
replaced by the second as a decimal number
replaced by the weekday as a decimal number (1 - 7)
replaced by the week number of the year as a decimal number
current COM port -- for COM1 it will be 1, for COM2 it will be 2 ... etc.