CPS to MSAccess with DSN Connection

Description: setup MS Access to receive data from barcode scanner connected to RS232 port COM1.

Start MS Access and create new database in folder: c:\cps_log\datalog.mdb
Start MS Access and create new database in folder: c:\cps_log\datalog.mdb
Create new table named BARCODES and add two columns COMDATA and COMPORT:

Create table Barcodes with two columns comdata and comport

Close MS Access and go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC)

 IMPORTANT NOTE: if you are on a 64-bit machine, __do not__ use the ODBC Window that is accessible from the control panel. Instead, go to START > RUN > C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.

 Select System DSN and click Add…

 Select Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) and click Finish.

 Select ODBC driver
Enter CPS2ACCESS for Datasource Name
Enter CPS2ACCESS for Data Source Name and than click on Select
Again click on OK to confirm creation of new DSN.

Close ODBC Data Source Administrator and start CPS Plus Professional

Close ODBC Data Source Administrator and start CPS Plus Professional> Terminal

Note: MS Access must be closed during connection setup!


Click on COM1 Settings…


 Image: CPS Plus COM port settings dialog

Check Send Serial data to Dabase using ODBC and click on Setup ODBC Connection


 Select CPS2ACCESS, data source name created earlier.


Check DSN descriptor tex box


setup table name


verify table barcodes


Acknowledge connection details and click on Finish to activate connection.

Acknowledge connection details and click on Finish to activate connection.