Send Text/Data to Com Port < To send Command one time only

Click On Send Menu from the CPS Plus Terminal Window and Select:

Send Text/Data to Com Port  < To send Command one time only
 - or -
Serial Command Creation Wizard < (assign command to be executed on key press (Hotkey) or to be executed at regular intervals).
Send Text/Data to RS232 Com Port

Send Text/Data to Com Port < To send Command one time only

After dialog box pops up, enter string/command you wish to send to the device and choose COM port, which you want to use to send the data. Append (Carriage Return, Line Feed) option, if checked, will append ASCII 13 and ASCII 10 characters at the end of the string – this option is checked by default.
write data to rs232
You can use the following list of the system time variables in commands/text that you send your device:
These variables are placeholders and will be replaced by actual values when write to COM port occurs.