- RS232 - CPS Barcode Wedge
- About CPS Barcode Wedge
- Installation, System Requirements, and Uninstallation
- Quick Start Guide - RS232 Bar code Wedge Software
- Using CPS Plus Bar code Wedge Software
- Data Filtering
- Data logging options
- Troubleshooting
- Program Options
- Downloads, Ordering, and Support
- Using CPS Plus with Serial Converters
- Supported Barcode Scanners
- License
If receiving data but the data appears garbled
Check that CPS Plus is set up using exactly the same communication parameters as your serial device, including Baud rate , Parity , Data bits , Stop bits , and Flow Control.
If you do not know the parameters used by the serial device, consult the device user manual or contact the manufacturer.
Try different baud rates first using No Parity, 8 Data Bits, and 1 Stop Bit until you get data that looks correct.
See Also: Communication settings