- RS232 - CPS Barcode Wedge
- About CPS Barcode Wedge
- Installation, System Requirements, and Uninstallation
- Quick Start Guide - RS232 Bar code Wedge Software
- Using CPS Plus Bar code Wedge Software
- Data Filtering
- CPS Plus data filters
- Remove Carriage Return Filter
- Remove Non-Numeric Characters Filter
- Remove Non-Alpha-Numeric Characters Filter
- Remove Consecutive Duplicate Inputs Filter
- Configurable Filters: Remove First <n> bytes
- Configurable Filters: Remove Last <n> bytes
- Configurable Filters: Remove
- Configurable Filters: Remove ... ( Continued - Example)
- Configurable Filters: Replace
- Configurable Filters: Replace... ( Continued - Example)
- Configurable Filters: Prefix data
- Configurable Filters: Suffix data
- CPS Plus data filters
- Data logging options
- Troubleshooting
- Program Options
- Downloads, Ordering, and Support
- Using CPS Plus with Serial Converters
- Supported Barcode Scanners
- License
Configurable Filters: Replace... ( Continued - Example)
We can see in the example above that the filter is set to replace all appearances of capital letter A in read data, with capital letter B.
If you want to use special characters (ones you cannot find on the keyboard) as a replacement or search pattern, you can enter the ASCII decimal value for the character you wish to enter, inside curly brackets.
By clicking the ASCII table button you are presented with an ASCII Table that can help you find decimal values of ASCII character(s) (0-255), you wish to enter.
In the example shown in the picture above we’ve defined the filter to replace all occurrences of characters with ASCII decimal values 13 and 10 ({13}{10}) with a character that has an ASCII decimal value of 9 ({9}) .
Quick explanation of these values:
{13} - represents ASCII decimal value of Carriage return.
Decimal code: 13
Hexadecimal code: 0D
Symbol: CR
{10} - represents ASCII decimal value of Line Feed.
Decimal code: 10
Hexadecimal code: 0A
Symbol: LF
{9} - represents ASCII decimal value of TAB.
Decimal code: 9
Hexadecimal code: 9
Symbol: TAB