- RS232 - CPS Barcode Wedge
- About CPS Barcode Wedge
- Installation, System Requirements, and Uninstallation
- Quick Start Guide - RS232 Bar code Wedge Software
- Using CPS Plus Bar code Wedge Software
- Data Filtering
- CPS Plus data filters
- Remove Carriage Return Filter
- Remove Non-Numeric Characters Filter
- Remove Non-Alpha-Numeric Characters Filter
- Remove Consecutive Duplicate Inputs Filter
- Configurable Filters: Remove First <n> bytes
- Configurable Filters: Remove Last <n> bytes
- Configurable Filters: Remove
- Configurable Filters: Remove ... ( Continued - Example)
- Configurable Filters: Replace
- Configurable Filters: Replace... ( Continued - Example)
- Configurable Filters: Prefix data
- Configurable Filters: Suffix data
- CPS Plus data filters
- Data logging options
- Troubleshooting
- Program Options
- Downloads, Ordering, and Support
- Using CPS Plus with Serial Converters
- Supported Barcode Scanners
- License
Configurable Filters: Remove ... ( Continued - Example)
In the example shown above, filter is set to remove capital letter A and % symbol. By using an ASCII table, you can easily add any other character that is not available on your keyboard – in this case decimal value of ASCII symbol ESC {27}.